Sri Gokulam Movies, historical film Pazhassi Raja which is being made in five languages, has now launched a website. The event was marked by the presence of Mega Star Mammootty who plays the Prince in the title role. Supreme Star Sarath Kumar was the other invitee who is playing the role of his Thalapathy in the film.
Talking about the film, Mammootty said: “The film is about one of the first freedom fighters who fought against the British. He suffered many losses due to this war. Not only did he lose his throne and palace but also his unborn child. But he was a special Prince who brought every strata of society together to fight this war of freedom. The support of his people was his biggest strength. The film will have every emotion and sentiment possible from patriotism and heroism to human relationships. The film will remind us what it’s like to live without freedom and of how precious it is.”
In answer to questions, Mammootty said he was open to acting in Tamil films and agreed that Tamil films were doing extremely well in Kerala.
Sarath Kumar added, “We have used no computer graphics and the shots of the war scenes etc are all shot realistically. I am very happy to be working with Mamootty for the first time in a Tamil film. Such associations bring our hidden talents to the fore.”
The film has two other heroes in Suresh Krishna and Manoj K Jayan. Suman plays the villain. Kaniha who plays a princess and Padmapriya who plays a tribal are doing the female lead.
The music is by Illayaraja who has done the recording in Hungary using the symphony orchestra there to get the desired effect.
The movie will be released on October 2nd. |
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